1: Legal Information
The Site is hosted by:
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
SAS with capital of €500,000
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APE code 6202A
Telephone: 08 20 32 03 63
The management of the site (texts, images, products, customers and orders) is placed under the responsibility of:
SIRET: 95062362900017
VAT: FR89950623629
NAF: 0121Z
Telephone: +33 3 88 38 22 55
Email: dischler@domaine-dischler.com
The website was produced by:
204 Avenue de Colmar
67100 STRASBOURG – France
SARL with a capital of 2000 €
Telephone: +33 3 87 23 01 10
Website: www.creatym.com
2: Data Protection
The processing of your data is explained in the related section “The protection of your data” as well as in the “Terms of use”.
3: Intellectual Property
The entire Site (content, images, videos, texts, illustrations, etc.) is the exclusive property of the Company. The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other constituent element of the website, by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes without the express and prior authorization of the Director of Publication, an infringement. sanctioned by articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Any use of the content and/or the website for illegal purposes will be prosecuted, all of the procedural costs of which will be borne exclusively by the offenders.
4: Related topics to consult